Friday, February 13, 2009

We Made It??

I would hate to set myself up but we did it..... I have officially made it past 2 years and 10 days!! YEA!! It has been pure hell to say the least, yet so blissful all in the same. I have already experienced things with Dallis that I never did with Paris, how mad I am but oh, how blessed I feel!! I have wonderful people in my life who made my day amazing!! I look forward to many years ahead of me with my two little princess.......that scares me :)

A friend of mine had us all over for lunch so the little girls and 1 little boy :)(lucky him) could play, but I couldn't capture them all together! We are missing 3 other little girls and Gage


Burridge said...

So very happy for you...I knew you could do it! You are a much stronger woman than you give yourself credit. Love you!

Lewis Family said...

Amen to what Roxanne said. You are one strong chick. Glad we could share your day with you.